LEAP - Measurement and Verification Plan

Last updated:

Executive Summary

This document outlines the measurement and verification (M\&V) methodology and data intake requirements for the Demand Reponse events managed by LEAP. The plan encompasses baseline establishment, metering infrastructure, data collection protocols, and savings calculation methodologies.

Evidence of Asset

LEAP provides direct access to the same data that is reported to CISO.

Methodology Selection

We will use the CISO: Day Matching (5-in-10 Residential Only, 10-in-10, and Combined) methodology.

We expect to use Section 5.4.

Data Requirements

Incorporated Data Requirements

The following are defined in the Technical Specification: Common Decarbonization methodology:

User-Provided Data Requirements

The following is a static description of the required and optional fields for a given Asset. An updated CSV template with the correct column names is available here and timeseries description is available here.

Attributional Data

The following data is required in addition to what is listed in Technical Specification: Common Decarbonization methodology.


Field Description Default if not provided Required? Use
Meter Id Unique identifier assigned to the meter. - - -
Service Point Number Identifier for the service point associated with the meter. - - -
Load Serving Entity The entity responsible for providing electricity to the meter. - - -
Load Zone The designated electricity load zone in which the meter is located. - - -
Bill Customer Agreement Number Customer agreement number associated with the billing account. - - -
Bill Service Account Number The account number used for billing purposes. - - -

Timeseries Data

The timeseries data should be provided with the following columns:

Field Description Required
start_datetime The datetime representing the start of the hourly meter read Y
savings_kwh The energy consumption that took place during the hour associated with this meter read Y

Data Management/Auditing Agreements

Timeseries Data

LEAP is providing outputs of savings calculations submitted to CISO. WattCarbon pulls this data through the LEAP API.