C3 - Measurement and Verification Plan

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Executive Summary

This document outlines the measurement and verification (M\&V) methodology implemented to quantify energy savings resulting from lighting system upgrades at Berry Global’s facility. The plan encompasses baseline establishment, metering infrastructure, data collection protocols, and savings calculation methodologies.

Evidence of Asset

The following documentation is maintained to support verification:

  1. Utility bills to corroborate baseline consumption
  2. Post-implementation photographic documentation
  3. Metering system installation documentation
  4. Executed Site Service Agreement
  5. Circuit inventory and mapping documentation
  6. Hourly consumption data records

Methodology Selection

We will be using the Technical Specification: Sample-Measured Reporting (Modeled Baseline, Estimated Measured Wattage which uses measured lighting consumption from a large sample of the installed fixtures, as well as a model of the pre-intervention wattage and EFLH to calculate the hourly carbon impact of the intervention.

Data Requirements

Incorporated Data Requirements

The following are defined in the Technical Specification: Common Decarbonization methodology:

The following is a static description of the required and optional fields for a given Asset. An updated CSV template with the correct column names is available here and a time series description is available here. The lighting inventory must be uploaded as a document with the columns aligning with the Intervention Inventory Data description below.

Attributional Data

The following data is required in addition to what is listed in Technical Specification: Common Decarbonization methodology.

Field Description Default if not provided Required? Use
Commenced Operation Date Date the intervention was completed   Y  
building_type Classification of building according to NREL ComStock categories      
Source For Pre Eflh Estimation Source of pre-wattage EFLH estimation   Y  
Measurement Sampling Method One of: [ partial_coverage_unlabeled_sampling, partial_coverage_labeled_sampling, full_coverage_sampling]   Y  
Static Wattage Analysis Summary First Dt Datetime of start of static wattage analysis (if applicable)      
Static Wattage Analysis Summary Last Dt Datetime of end of static wattage analysis (if applicable)      
Static Wattage Analysis Summary Max Power (kW) Maximum power measured during static wattage analysis      
Static Wattage Analysis Summary Number of Panels Measured Number of panels measured during static wattage analysis      
Building Annual Consumption (kWh) Total annual consumption of the building   Y  

Intervention Inventory Data

The inventory of the full scope of the intervention should be provided as a CSV that has one row per fixture location installed with the following columns:

Field Description Default if not provided Required?
Pre-Intervention Power Per Fixture (W) Total wattage of each pre-retrofit fixture    
Post-Intervention Power Per Fixture (W) Total wattage of each post-retrofit fixture   Y
Pre-Intervention Fixture Description A description of each pre-retrofit lighting fixture   Y
Post-Intervention Fixture Description A description of each post-retrofit lighting fixture   Y
Pre-Intervention Fixture Quantity Number of pre-retrofit light bulbs with the given wattage and description that were installed 1 Y
Post-Intervention Fixture Quantity Number of post-retrofit light bulbs with the given wattage and description that were installed 1 Y
Pre-Intervention EFLH Estimate An estimate of the Effective Full-Load Hours of the pre-intervention lighting fixtures. Provided if pre-intervention occupancy schedules or measured data is not available. This is assumed to come from a modeling software.  
is_measured Whether this fixture is part of the measurement ( for when only a sampling of the full intervention is being measured). If 100% of fixtures are measured, defaults to Yes. Otherwise, defaults to Unknown (which requires an alternative means of estimating the measured wattage).  
pre_intervention_has_controls A boolean of whether the fixture had controls before it was replaced. Useful to better estimate the pre-intervention loadshape.    
post_intervention_has_controls A boolean of whether the fixture had controls after it was replaced. Useful to better estimate the post-intervention loadshape.    

Timeseries Data

The timeseries data should be provided with the following columns:

Field Description Required
start_datetime The datetime representing the start of the hourly meter read Y
energy_kwh The energy consumption that took place during the hour associated with this meter read Y

Verification Protocols

Data Validation

Ongoing verification procedures include:

Reasonableness Assessment

Multiple verification metrics ensure result validity:

  1. Total savings represent <10% of facility consumption.
  2. Post-implementation operating hours maintain logical relationship to baseline hours
  3. Connected load measurements align with documented system specifications

This M\&V plan provides a robust framework for quantifying and verifying energy savings while maintaining conservative calculation approaches and comprehensive documentation standards.