Uploading Devices and Data end to end example

This example will walk you through logging in, creating a device, and uploading savings values. In order to register devices to the WattCarbon platform, you must first go through the process of registering as a WattCarbon project developer. Contact us at support@wattcarbon.com if you are interested in registering projects.


You will need credentials to access the WattCarbon API. We’ll call these EMAIL_ADDRESS and API_KEY in this example.

This example is implemented using Python’s HTTPX library but any HTTP client will work.

1. Get an access token

Start out by converting your long-lived API token into a temporary access token. The access token is used for authenticating requests to the rest of the API and lasts only 24 hours. This process must be repeated to get a new token whenever the old one expires.

# Create a client object
import httpx
client = httpx.Client(base_url="https://api.wattcarbon.com")
client.headers["User-Agent"] = "a unique name for your app"

# Make the authentication request to the API
token_response = client.post(
        "grant_type": "password",
        "username": EMAIL_ADDRESS,
        "password": API_KEY,

# Extract the token from the response
token_payload = token_response.json()
token = token_payload["access_token"]

# Add the token to the client's default headers
# to authenticate future requests
client.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + token

See the documentation for POST /auth/token for more information.

2. Create a device.

A device contains the information necessary to validate that EACs can be generated.

Solar Example

create_device_response = client.post(
      "name": "My device",
      "customId": "SP123",
      "location": "60 Greene St Riverside IA",
      "utility": "ABC Utility",
      "deviceOwner": {"name": "Person Person"},
      "meterId": "M123",
      "commencedOperationDate": "2022-08-01", 

      "kind": "solar",
      "nameplateCapacityKw": "123",
      "inverterDataId": "1234",
      "inverterDataSource": "enphase",
      "externalRegistryName": "GATS",
      "externalRegistryDeviceId": "45678"

Electrification Example

create_device_response = client.post(
      "name": "My device",
      "customId": "HP123",
      "location": "60 Greene St Riverside IA",
      "utility": "ABC Utility",
      "deviceOwner": {"name": "Person Person"},
      "meterId": "M123",
      "commencedOperationDate": "2022-08-01", 

      "kind": "electrification",
      "areaSqft": "123",
      "previousFuel": "natural_gas",
      "replacesFurnace": true,
      "replacesWaterHeater": false,
      "coldClimate": false,
      "effectiveUsefulLifeYears": 10,
      "buildingType": "single_family_attached",
      "heatingBackupSystem": "electric_resistance",
      "heatPumpHspf": 5,
      "waterHeaterUef": 3

The location field can also take an object with individual fields for Street/City/State etc. or even the Latitude and Longitude of the site.

If you have a unique ID for the site that you use for your own tracking, you can pass it in the customId field. The API will enforce that the same custom ID is never used on multiple sites in your account.

See POST /devices for more information about all the potential values. If you need to change the device’s parameters later on, you can use the PUT /devices/{id} endpoint.

3. Upload device data

Device data is defined as the electrical energy generated (like with Solar), electrical energy supplied (like with a battery), electrical energy saved (like with Demand Response), or useful heat generated (like with electrification). We currently require device savings data to be hourly frequency. The data should be positive (+) to represent either direct generation or a reduction in consumption, and negative (-) to represent additional consumption.

The data must be in the correct format; here’s a quick example:


See POST /devices/{device_id}/timeseries for more information about the file format and how to upload savings data.

For now, that is all you need to do to add a device and provide device data. We will include additional steps in the future to further automate our registration process, but for now please email support@wattcarbon.com when you have completed this process.